Dr.of Chinese Medicine/Natural therapist/Writer/Health Presenter
AACMA Registered/AHPRA Registered/CMRB Registered/AAMT Registered

Rob Lobosco completed a Bachelor of Health Science– Traditional Chinese Medicine Degree at
Victoria University-Melbourne, in 1996. His last year was spent focussing on writing his thesis on Dietotherapy. He has also completed his Medical Qi Gong course with Qi Gong Master Bisong Guo,
author of the book, 'Listen to your body - The wisdom of the Dao.'
Since completing his degree he has worked as a Dr. of Chinese Medicine and
Natural Therapist. Credits include, Natural Therapist for Fernwood gyms, Natural Therapist at many Nursing Homes and Companies in Melbourne, as well as starting his own practice, A1 Natural
Health Clinic - now known as YERA NATURAL HEALTH CLINIC, in Essendon. Here he practices Chinese Medicine/Massage Therapy, as well Dietotherapy.
Rob has written articles for many publications, including fitness magazines and
Youth journals, as well as writing education plays for Youth about healthy lifestyles and Youth Issues. He was the columnist for 'Australian Women's Fitness Magazine,' as well as
Natural Health Expert for 'Australian Natural Health Review.' He has also written for, 'The Art of Healing,' magazine, 'Massage Therapists Magazine,' 'Living Now,' and 'Network
In 2017 he has contributed to many articles ( and has been invited to write a chapter in the world-wide released book, 'Entrepreneurs Guide: Running your own business.'
Rob also completed writing his three Health & Well Being eBooks titled, 'Heal Yourself
With My Learnings.' These are available from the Yera Book store on this website. Book 2 is a comprehensive Diet & Health Cookbook, with delicious recipes, with easy step by step
instructions to make the dish, as well as a list of all the ingredients for the recipe - and thier health benefits.
Rob taught Aerobics for 16 years, including Les Mills Aerobics programs - Body Pump/Body
Combat. He was one of the first, regular, instructors at Windy Hill Fitness Centre where he taught for 12 years. Rob was also awarded, 'Fat Loss leader,' having lost over 30 kg- naturally- thanks to
Acupuncture, Diet and Chinese Medicine.
2005 brought the opening of Yera Health Retreat- Rye. Rob focussed all his
energy and expertise in creating a 'pleasant resting place,' for his terminally ill patients and anyone in need of some time away to heal and relax. He has trialled and refined all of the programs
now available at Yera Health Retreat's, 4 to 8 Day Live-In Detox/Bootcamps/Yoga/Fertility Retreats & the very popular 8 day Transformation Eternity Retreats.
Rob educated thousands of Youth, within schools, 1999 - 2015 on healthy
lifestyle, good health and disease prevention. He has Written/Produced/Directed and performed in four education plays which are toured Secondary Colleges, Victoria wide- and also did a Tasmanian
tour in 2007.
In 2006, Rob worked with 'Massage Conferences Australia,' and devised an education
presentation, an educational video and a 2-day workshop on 'Traditional Chinese Cupping Therapy.'
Rob was the face and presenter for the website , 'Healthy & Juicy,' and filmed many
videos, including writing, creating and performing in the commercial.
Rob's motto, 'Don't wait- create,' has lead him to deliver his '4-E's,' in all that he does.
His novels and films aim to deliver the '4-E's,' educating, entertaining,
enlightening and empowering audiences.
His novels, 'In love with love- Not him!' about Annie's journey from dishevelled to
transformation to bliss and 'Tough Lessons,' are both available at Yera Book Store page of this website.
His short films, "FATE - It is what it is!" "LOVE- It's all around!" "DISCONNECTED- Stay
connected!" premiered at film festivals all around the world.
The film "Fate - It is what it is!" was filmed at Yera Health Retreat and the wonderful
16th beach - where we do the meditations and Qi Gong during health retreats. This film Premiered at the 2013 New York City Independent Film Festival, 2014 World Film Awards, 2015 Mykonos Biennale
Film Festival, and won four awards at both the Best Shorts Competition and Accolade Global Film Competition - in Los Angeles.
In 2018 he also made his Feature film, DAD, based on a true story. In 2020 and 2021, this
inspirational true story, DAD, went on to win 49 awards at festivals worldwide.
He continues to
execute his mantra, 'Don't wait - Create!' and continues to educate, entertain, enlighten and empower with his writings, novels, films and inspirational projects – including 'New Ideas.' This
is a new-wave in thinking to help people grow, awaken and evolve with positive videos, simple techniques, naieve sketches and motivating messages
Rob also devised a
powerful seminar, 'STOP - for health & well-being by Rob Lobosco,' which he presented Australia-wide - as well as at the various dates of the, 'Heal Yourself Expo,' in
Rob has also been
recording his podcast in 2020/2021 titled, 'Upbeat with Rob Lobosco #robthedoc' encouraging you to, 'find you, know you, love you.'
In 2021 Rob has
launched his, 'Well-Being Health Calls,' helping people all around the world with simple, helpful, health tips which he refers to as. 'useful living
Rob is registered with AHPRA- Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency, Chinese
Medicine Registration Board, Australian Association for Massage Therapists and Australian Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Association. Rob will be doing the Chinese Medicine-
Acupuncture/Acupressure Massage/Qi Gong at the Yera Health Retreats. Rob is registered with the major Private Health Insurances in Australia and you will be able to make claims on
your treatments.
A session with Rob is therapeutic and inspiring for mind, body and
He promotes balance rhythm and harmony back into your body - and
Enjoy a session with Rob in clinic or during your Yera Health
Book a session with Rob from anywhere around the world, with a, 'Well-Being Health